- What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?
I believe a main digital platform that students are currently using to develop their professional network is Linkedin. Linkedin allows students and graduates to connect and build an online network and personal brand. While professionals use linkedin to gauge an idea for potential employees, students may use it to start the process of making professional connections. Though Linkedin may be great for a professional outlook on a student’s portfolio, I do think there are other platforms that express areas of expertise. I think instagram has been a great way to build a personal brand and to connect and reach out to people in the business/ entrepreneurial industry. I think my instagram allows people or employers to get a better perspective about my life, and also allows me to gauge with people with similar interests to myself. I believe linkedin has a stigma around being such a professional platform that sometimes I think people forget to show their real interests and passions, and I believe instagram and facebook do a good job of demonstrating that.
- What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?
What students could consider when expanding their professional learning network is that typical everyday social media accounts can be used for professional intent. These social Networks are what we make out of them. If you want to have 5 different instagram accounts representing different areas of interest, nothing is stopping you. Instagram, facebook and snapchat have all been portrayed as personal use, but we can use these platforms in a professional manner to further brand ourselves by connecting with like minded people with similar interests. I also think by using these platforms you are able to further express your creative side possibly in a way that perhaps linkedin wouldn’t allow you to do.
- Thread Discussion: How do data privacy and security limit and promote a PLN? In your network, how can you create a digital identity/ reputation?
I believe data privacy and security contribute to professional networking more than we are aware of. Main networks like facebook, instagram, and snapchat do an excellent job of keeping our privacy and information safe. We are trusting these mainstream networks with valuable information about ourselves to protect us and keep our information safe.. And that is exactly what these big companies have done. They have proven to their customers that they are capable of doing so. When signing up for a network, you’re not going to put in vulnerable information about yourself if you don’t think the network is secure. If the network has bad reviews, looks unreliable, and untrustworthy you’re not going to sign up. However if a network is reassuring that your information is safe, they have a good reputation and are reliable you may be more lenient to sign up. In my network I create my digital identity by posting what I’m passionate about. I’m always down for a good adventure and I feel like my socials show that about me. By posting about what I love to do, for example, surfing, and hiking, I’m able to gauge with people with similar interests and gain a following of people that are also down for an adventure and like to surf.
Hey Felix! I agree with you that It’s important for students wanting to expand their professional learning network to get involved with online communities. I think one way to do so is be active and express what you’re interested in on social media. By using Facebook and instagram you are able to connect with like minded people like yourself that share similar interests to you!
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