Month: January 2023

Blog Post #2 comments 

Hey Catriona! I totally agree with you in the fact that social media is 100% how you portray yourself. If you are putting yourself out there in a bad way employers will potentially see you as unreliable and unworthy of the job, however if you portray a good image of yourself on the web you are showing employers that you are trustworthy and reliable. I also agree with the fact that “the internet lives forever”. I too get worried every time I post something on social media knowing that whatever I post is there for good.. Even if I chose to delete that post.

Hey Jacky!

I agree with you that we should share positivity when engaging with social media accounts. I think commenting more positive and restraining from the negative will certainly be more useful when people are actually seeking advice.

Blog Post #2 – What does my digital identity look like?

Discuss the values of privacy, security, the sense of agency, and what is good for communities as laws, civil society, and professional spaces engage the accountability of digital identity. 

– What is a digital identity? 

Your digital identity is essentially your footprint on the web, It contains any personal data existing online that can be traced back to you. Social media accounts such as facebook, instagram, TikTok and twitter are all good examples of how you create your digital identity. Uploading content under your name, commenting on posts, sharing, tweeting, online bank account and search history are all contributors in creating your digital identity. Having an online identity can be great for many things, it helps establish who you are online and what you have to offer. However having a digital identity can be dangerous. Future bosses and colleagues may not like what they see online or  what you post. Your digital identity could get stolen, banking information hacked, and much more. Though creating your digital identity comes with many perks it’s always good to be weary of what you are getting yourself into, and making decisions on how little or how much you would like these boundaries to be blurred.  

– Can a digital wallet provide trust in networked publics?

Today the wallet is anything but old fashioned. Digital wallets are meant to be made easy for us in an everyday setting. They store membership IDS, gift cards, coupons and even payment methods like credit or debit cards. You don’t even need to put your pin in anymore you just tap and go. I personally think digital wallets are great, they are convenient and easy, however I don’t think that they provide full trust when in networked publics. From using my digital wallet I’ve had people hack into my card multiple times and use it as their own. How does this happen? To be honest I’m not sure. It could be anything as simple as tapping your payment at a coffee shop or putting in your online banking information online. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when you’re making a transaction with an unreliable source. At times I do believe our digital wallet will provide trust in networked publics, though I do think it’s difficult to know when and where that will be. There will always be ways for someone to gather your digital information, even if not dealing with your information directly. 

– How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

Being active on social media can benefit both your personal and professional growth. Many employers not only seek your current work ethic or values however they seek your interests and your passions. They are interested to know what life outside of work looks like for you, and that may be shown on your personal social media accounts. Many companies are now embracing the worth of learning more about their employees to help determine job offers that they may grant. Posting your interests and your personality could give employers a better glimpse into what your like from a non- professional perspective. Social media accounts dictate how a company can perceive you. For example;  If you are posting inappropriate, or offensive content that appears on your socials they may not take you seriously. However if you are posting wholesome content of you hiking with friends, baking etc.., they may perceive you as a better candidate and more professional.

– How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and benefits?

Your digital identity can be built anywhere in a public networked setting. Social media for instance you are constantly sharing, posting, commenting and interacting with others. You are continuously building your digital identity off of these social media accounts. Social media converges everyone through different types of interactions available on these platforms. Sending posts, sharing, commenting and saving are all ways you are contributing to these interactions. This creates digital identies that are continuously expanding off one another by digital interactions. The benefits of converging digital identities in networked publics has allowed us new opportunities to make connections online, build a stronger platform on ourselves, and has allowed us to be more creative and express that side of us. There are however worrisome aspects of digital convergance, such as what you post stays up forever, deleted posts are not really gone, and a private accounts dont exactly mean your on private. Everything you post, share, and comment publicizes you even when you think your “incognito”.

PLN & Public Communications

– week 2-

What Does it Mean to Network Using Social Media?

I think networking with social media involves connecting and building relationships with new and current friends, colleagues, family, and businesses – via online social media platforms. Though I think this is the main idea of social networking, I do think it can varie from person to person on what they think this topic means to them. For example: different students majoring in different subjects can use networking for various things. Business students might use social networking to help brand themselves to future employeres and comapnies, perhaps to build connections with certain business they may want to pursue in the future. As for an art major they may use social networking to catch other artists eyes and potential buyers in the industry. Social networking can simply mean a variety of things depending on who you are talking to. 

How Are We Motivated to Participate in Networked Publics

Media networks have become public spaces for communication. Social media gives us a way to freely express how we are feeling and what we are passionate towards, without having to do so face to face. These active digital platforms can motivate people to participate in network publics without requiring face-to-face interaction. Humans typically like there ideas and opinions to be valued, listened to and shared. Modern day platforms such as facebook, instagram and snapchat allows society to interact digitally and express what they are passionate towards. When your passionate towards something specific you engage more- automatically causing motivation for what ever you may be interested in. For example, on instagram my search feed consists of surf, so whenever im browsing through recommended videos most of my videos that appear on my feed are surf related because im engaged with that type of content. If a soccer or basketball video appeared on my feed I wouldn’t watch it because im not passionate or engaged with that type of content. Being passionate towards something leads to motivation because your engaged with whats going on. 

What Are The Risks & Rewards of Public Communications?

Public online communications have made it possible for people to connect, share, and collaborate on topics from across the globe. Being able to access and find information along with building worldwide friendships has never been made so easy and accessible to everyone. Public communications throughout the years has allowed us to be more involved in different cultures, allowed us to see different human perspectives and angles of creativity, and has overall opened a door to more learning opportunities. It has also allowed us to fundraise, protest, and stand up for what we believe in. Public communications does come with great rewards, and without it dont think we would be where we are today as a society. Though public communications is great there are great risks when getting involved with the social world. The first problem I see as a major issue is cyberbullying, I think most people that are on a digital platform have faced some sort of cyber bullying at some point in time. You’re exposing yourself to the internet which makes you automatically more vulnerable and lose some of your privacy. Another downfall with public communications that I think is already starting to become an arrsing issue in todays society, Is the lack of real life socializing. Kids are glued to their phone, and not being taught how to properly communicate with people in real life. This could cause major issues in the future when trying to apply to a job or get a serious career. I believe that having the ability to properly communicate with people in real life is a crucial key to success.

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